Wednesday, September 27, 2006

when i was.

when i was..

when i was 12,i dream of becoming an author,spinning up fascinating tales of this lil planet.
i'll make my characters so ruddy with life,they practically need birth certificates.
the plot i've mapped out for them is grand,simple and gripping.
i thought of it all.
in spite of the obvious,shinning promise of it,there comes this particular day when i realize that the whisper that has been pestering me all along from the back of my mind is speaking the flat,awful truth:it wont work.
we are living in this cruel,selfish industry whereby dreams,are just dreams.
without advertising and popularity,nothing will come out.
thats how this world moves along.
no matter how much talent you've got,as the SINGAPORE saying goes:NO MONEY NO TALK.
money indeed makes the world go round.
so.i aborted this plan of mine,and decided to settle for the sad,practical singapore truth.
to do something you can always fall back on.
i left no tears to brawl as i dump all my scraps of what-could-have-been a great talk-about book.
i knew i gotta move on.
but i'll be back.

and talking about money.everyone's nuts over it.
you see us doing part-timing to earn those cold hard cash.
but seriously why do we resort to all these when we can actually sleep in late,hang around and cosy up to our family and friends?
instead of mooing our way up to backaches like some strong hard bulls,why dont we take a step back and appreciate our surrounding sculptures and mankind?
to those who do their jobs because of your passion for it,congrats and keep it up.
to those who do their jobs for the increase of the digits in your bank account(which rarely happens),go out get a life,and get a new which will kill your brain cells.
(i dont mean us students.but all you sicky WORKING adults.)

i'll talk about my OTHER dreams the next time round.
exactly a week from GEN'S BIRTHDAY!WHEE. today was great with TEAM!i was lousy LAH.couldnt climb that dumb gonna like work my ass off,climb stairs everyday to get to my house at 12th storey(!)=X. gain.i'll benefit from the climbing.better stamina and NICE FIRM BUTT.WHEE. ;D

alright so gonna go to sleep for morning rowing tomorrow.ooh ash!i cant wait to see you! ;))



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