blogger beta.
blogger beta.
ok.i finally stupidly changed to Blogger Beta,after so long.
these days have been messy and dry,yet moist.

where is your path in life? ;)
ok.i finally stupidly changed to Blogger Beta,after so long.
these days have been messy and dry,yet moist.
i had overdose of Princess Hours and i think the side effect is bad.real bad.
im gonna start all over again tomorrow.wait.
why not now? gonna revert back to my starting-sem mugging habit.
been having mixed feelings over the sardine-crammed timetable for a loong time.
firstly,im gonna have exams and attachment during cinese new year.
thats WAY bad.
the attachment timetable is partially out.
and gawd damn.
22jan to 9feb is SURGICAL ward.
sounds fun?but not much opportunity for skills practicing.but I never know..*grins*
26feb to 16march is MEDICAL ward.
i cant wait.i miss TTSH ward9c. :(
and i so hope im with ash once again.
*fingers crossed*
anyway,ICAs are coming up.i definitely hope for better results this time round.
i need a good grade.i mean good gradeS.
it seems like this sem just started but im gonna have clinical theory test next week.GAWD.
and clinical assessment NEXT FRIDAY.
oh feck.
i pray i'll not do anything silly,and kind lecturers,please be kindER. ;D
i know CHRISTMAS is not even a month from now,and its a lil early to get excited,but you cant blame me.
i get excited easily. :)))
look at these BE-YOU-TIFUL TREEEES~
tell me you're excited TOO!
i cant wait for parties and lil presents!!
who says singaporean aint creative?
from London's Marks&Spencer
ash! LOVELOVE lah!

where is your path in life? ;)
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