cmon genevieve,eat ME!
cmon genevieve,eat ME!

these are some of the snapshots taken,as promised.
(will post the rest as soon as i get my hands on 'em)

i took photo with Mr TEO CHEE KIEN(?)
*grins and smirks like some stupid fan*-but im not LAH.
*triple pouts*
derek look so bitchy.HEHEHE.
and mok look so motherly PUHLESSE.HEHEHE.
anyway.i like this smile.check it out.
it brightens my day,err i mean NIGHT.
it brightens my day,err i mean NIGHT.
;D spposed to be MUGGING for my major(sorta) papers next week.
clinical theory and practising for clinical assessment.
nougat: eat me eat me!
me: no! ive eaten many of your comrades..and beside you stick to my go away..shoo!
nougat: c'mon,just a bite.i'll be a quickie! i make your stomach happy so you can mug me! eat me!mimimimi!
me: rawr..alright alright..just you alone..crunch crunch crunch)
chocolate milk: are you feeling thirsty,gen?all that nougat is making you thirsty
come! get me outta the fridge!besides,i can keep you away from your books
for half a min for you to walk to the kitchen and pouring a cup of me!
me: hmm..oh alright...(slurp)
kitkat: hey there gen!momo says you can eat me in your breaks!but i think you can eat me
kitkat: hey there gen!momo says you can eat me in your breaks!but i think you can eat me
now! c'mon dont be a spoil sport!
me: ahhh..umummmm..
magnum almond icecream(beside kitkat): now that you've eaten my neighbour,dont you
think its unfair leaving me to shiver by
me: you know what,i'll still eat you even if you dont say that..umummmmm..
clock: oh gen,is your stomach rumbling rumbling?cause it's dinner time!quick eat and come
back mug later!
gen! oh gen! eat~EAT! me!just a lil bite?!GENEVIEVE!GEN~

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