im so TRA-LA-LA happy today.(forgive my nowadays primary 4 standard CHIM descriptive words..HEHE.)
did all i could for my last day at ward 9c.ng tubED,diaperED,showerED,fED,commodED,paraED,what else didnt i do you tell me?
had plenty of opportunities to do what i wanted 'cause nobody's there to FIGHT WITH ME.
that reminds me of the PRIVILEDGE of being an only child.
i dont have to quarrel,stratch and fight to get what i want.
but i need to bargain LAH.
i'll talk about that next time.
back to today.
ed up around 3 and headed off to work.

MY 1st day at RETAIL!
i learnt to stocked up,serve customers,clean up,NETS transaction,cash registered,log out,accountED the day sales.
all i never done before-FUN!
really braincell-tickling,but i enjoy the process of learning.
i always do.
oh and i get great discounts as staff,shawna-the-big-lady-boss is real cool and fab.
i have a SENIOR who ORIENTATED and guide me throughout.
thks HIDDY my yaya senior.for all the bullshitting and corny jokes we shared.
reached home an hr plus ago,but still feel so SUNSHINE. ;))
ive been feeling real great these days,please whatever GODS up there,keep GEN blessed THIS WAY.
was just talking to ms mok the other day.
im ready for flings.
im so TRA-LA-LA happy today.(forgive my nowadays primary 4 standard CHIM descriptive words..HEHE.)
did all i could for my last day at ward 9c.ng tubED,diaperED,showerED,fED,commodED,paraED,what else didnt i do you tell me?
had plenty of opportunities to do what i wanted 'cause nobody's there to FIGHT WITH ME.
that reminds me of the PRIVILEDGE of being an only child.
i dont have to quarrel,stratch and fight to get what i want.
but i need to bargain LAH.
i'll talk about that next time.
back to today.

MY 1st day at RETAIL!
i learnt to stocked up,serve customers,clean up,NETS transaction,cash registered,log out,accountED the day sales.
all i never done before-FUN!
really braincell-tickling,but i enjoy the process of learning.
i always do.
oh and i get great discounts as staff,shawna-the-big-lady-boss is real cool and fab.
i have a SENIOR who ORIENTATED and guide me throughout.
thks HIDDY my yaya senior.for all the bullshitting and corny jokes we shared.
reached home an hr plus ago,but still feel so SUNSHINE. ;))
ive been feeling real great these days,please whatever GODS up there,keep GEN blessed THIS WAY.
was just talking to ms mok the other day.
im ready for flings.
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