thieves' market.


need i say more?
ive been a pretty good man,gulping down all my h2os.
so i'll stay fit and strrrroong to have fun.
and jam,i just went through all the pics way back when we were stupid nerds to now,when we are all grown up.i think

we used to look damn fugly,seriously.HAHA.
and this is this year's new year CHU ER picture.
there'll be more snapshots coming up.and i cant wait.cdm with ash,team chalet,mambo with 1/4 of nyp and MY friends!,wsc commitee meeting and the new year1 orientations!cannot wait to see the newbies! for now,i so neeeed my sleeeeeeep.
and mok,thanks for letting the stayover.
joan,had a great catch up with you!
damien and jingting,i'll miss you guys as incharges. :(
daniel,do a good job eh! X)
jing,damien,derek,alfred.our YAMI yogurt!
jamie gohhh!our MAAD, accessories-pact-we-make,CHIPPY and DONUT FACTORY!
anju,lets make the peephole and shophaus FAMOUS. :DD
jen! our promised pact!
NR0611! i miss you guys man!
sgsians,when are we meeting LAH!?
NYP KAYAKING TEAM! ALL OUT.lets row like hell,for everything else,theres US.life's short,paddle hard! i love you guys!
new term to come,welcome i cannot wait!
okok.i really have too much stuff to say to.just text me lah HUH. :))