28-30th september.
thursday hangout with ash was fun.
we EAT and EAT and EAT.instead of our planned sit-down-at-cafe-and-talked over-drinks.
well nevermind.its always fun pigging out like MAD once in awhile and not worrying about unhealthy FATS.
ive not much FATS to lose anyway,so just EAT.thats the good thing about not having BABY FATS.HAHA.(damien,dont CHA envy?;D)
so we did took lots of our ugly fugly eating actions.BUT.i lose all of 'em.DAMN.im REALLY sorry ash.send me again!
these are just the lil pathetic amount i have in my folder.

so.we promised on BEN&JERRY the next hangout with more cash in our POCKETS.
not the $1.20 my dear.WHEE.
and oh!i cant wait for mambo nights.
just cant wait to see you again!
29th sept.
friday morning was rowing fun with T1.the pace it glides in the water.OH THE BABY!
anju and i decided to head for some bestie hangout and we got ourselves COOL shoes.
and loads of gossip and bitching. ;D
in the mood for movies,we chose THE HAUNTED APARTMENTS.
though its s'ppose to be a horror movie,the film just had a twist of humour.FUNNY CAN.
interesting boring i say.
well well.so here.

tried out iSQUEEZE.all along,i dont like massages.so.no comments.

hi got S1 today.i pretty much expected it.but.so what?
im gonna go for weekday rowings and proved i can do a T1.im gonna ace my T1.
watch me.
coming back about today's training.
it was kinda bad.
i did complete my 3 triangles.
but i felt so drained and upset deep inside.
i kept telling myself not to let personal emotions get involved with trainings but i realised im still a human.i'd say i didnt have that will to control my emotions today.
i feel so tiny and unprofessional.
i just didnt have the mood today when everyone's happily playing in the RAIN.
just sat by myself on S1 as the waves crashed into my boat's side.how i wish the waves will swipe away all the lil bits of unhappiness i had inside me.
everything went fucking wrong.
i've been feeling so much like a beggar,not 'cause of cash terms,not 'cause of physical materials.
ive been living my life like a bed of sunflowers with roses thorns in between and lil pieces of glasses scattered over the edge of the bed.
one wrong move i'll be miserable for life.
DAMN IT.thats how ive been feeling.
SCARY aint it?
i remember joining NYP kayaking just for the fun of it.i didnt have any sports background though i came from a family with sportsmen and women.
i was just more active and hyper in school then anyone else.
but i realised everytime i paddle and sprint with the wind at my neck,i feel a sense of joy and pride i never felt in my entire life.i saw people competing.
i want to prove to myself and the world.
talking about CAN-DO,
im really grateful to Jonathan,my dear senior.
you never fail to make the TEAM smile.
and your words today touched my heart and lift it up.
i felt really motivated.THANK YOU.
the team would be boring without you.not only joanathan.
NYP KAYAKING TEAM wouldnt be complete without any of you.
you filled GEN's life with special colors and you guys already took up a space so much in my heart.
thanks and LOVE,GEN.
LOVELOVE i mean. ;)
sorry if ive bore you with my long entry and
large spitful of heartfelt emotions i have deep in THERE.
please do tag and tell me how you feel.
WAH SHIT.im so polite today.
thanks for the concern you guys showered over me. im feeling MUCH MUCH BETTER now.
im just gonna treasure what i have now,and balance them on my libran scale with strength and peace.im working hard so must you guys!lets work hard for our goals!
YOSHing in the rain and rushing to clubhouse for our 17 plates of fried rice with EXTRA RICE and EGG,today,was GREAT.
LOVELOVE.i cant wait for the next MM.and our evil plans.HEHE.
oh mokhsingyeee,lets go for movies!and our promised retail therapy date!
anju,more movies and everything,PLEASE! ;D

i just smack this cockcroach to its long-awaited death after its long-term hiding in my drawer to get a bite of my DARS WHITE CHOCOLATE.
im going shopping with mom tomorrow!YAY!